Grading should be viewed as a marker along the road you are travelling. It gives you an idea of how far you have come and how far the next step might be. The length of time between these steps will be different for each person depending on the amount of time you can devote to training,
regularity of training, prior experience, and innate ability. It is important that you don’t let yourself get caught up in “the belt race”. Remember that if you are training with the right spirit, then every day you will become better at the art of karate and as an individual. It is always good practice to be prepared, this means that you should practice all your movements forward and backward and starting with both the left and right sides. Remember that an examiner may choose to ask you to perform additional techniques or to show your understanding of a technique. Always be prepared.
More information on the SKIF Ireland grading syllabus can be found here.
Kihon requires the ability to perform and apply the most basic techniques. You should demonstrate good form in a strong, low front stance, with your head up, your body straight, and your shoulders down. Movements forward and back should be done with the correct in-and-out footwork. Oie-suki (lunge punch) should be performed with power, speed, and intent. Spirit, concentration and etiquette are also considered.
Kata requires concentration and correct movement.
Kumite requires commitment and timing.
Zenkutsu Dachi Gedan Barai
- Chudan Oie Zuki
- Chudan Gyaku Zuki
- Age Uke
- Soto Ude Uke
- Uchi Ude Uke
Kokutsu Dachi
- Shuto Uke
Zenkutsu Dachi Kamae
- Mae Geri
Kiba Dachi Kamae
- Yoko Geri Keage
Kyu No Kata
Heian Shodan (To Examiner Count)
- Jodan
- Chudan
Kihon requires, in addition to the 9th kyu requirements, special attention to hip rotation on blocking actions, strong Hikite (drawing arm), timing and Kime (focus).
Kata should be smoother and more fluid than the 9th kyu.
Kumite should show improved body connection, speed, concentration, and focus, as well as correct target.
Zenkutsu Dachi Gedan Barai
- Chudan Oie Zuki
- Chudan Gyaku Zuki
- Age Uke
- Soto Ude Uke
- Uchi Ude Uke
Kokutsu Dachi
- Shuto Uke
Zenkutsu Dachi Kamae
- Mae Geri
Kiba Dachi Kamae
- Yoko Geri Keage
Kyu No Kata
- Jodan
- Chudan
Kihon at this level the student is introduced to combinations of blocks and counters as well as two new kicks, roundhouse and side thrust. Student should be able to demonstrate an understanding of timing and focus on combinations; strong front stance with connection to the ground; good hip rotation; coils and recoils on kicks; and an ability to move in back stance and kiba dachi.
Kata Student should show an understanding of how to create power for multiple
techniques while remaining in the same position. Also, better understanding for back stance and knife hand block.
Kumite should be performed with strong forceful attacks with attention paid to target. Applications for defense should be strong and smooth with definite hip rotation, low stance, and commitment.
Zenkutsu Dachi Gedan Barai
- Oie zuk
- Gyaku Zuki
- Age Uke Gyaku Zuki
- Soto Ude Uke Gyaku Zuki
- Uchi Ude Uke Gyaku Zuki
Kokutsu Dachi Kamae
- Shuto Uke
Zenkutsu Dachi Kamae
- Mae Geri
- Mawashi Geri
Kiba Dachi Kamae
- Yoko Geri Keage
- Yoko Geri Kekomi
Kyu No Kata
- Jodan, Chudan, Mae Geri - No. 1 and No. 2 (left side only)
Kihon In addition to the 7th kyu requirements, techniques should be more fluid, with better timing. Kicks should have more coil and recoil. Student should show improved stamina throughout the exam. The examiner will be assessing breathing, target and ability to control mental state.
Kata Student should demonstrate rooting of oneself to the ground by dropping the body weight and tightening the abs, also moving in kiba dachi.
Kumite This is the same as for 7th kyu but is now performed from both left and right sides. Student should demonstrate a better understanding and improvement in body connection and mental readiness.
- Oie zuk
- Gyaku Zuki
- Age Uke Gyaku Zuki
- Soto Ude Uke Gyaku Zuki
- Uchi Ude Uke Gyaku Zuki
Kokutsu Dachi Kamae
- Shuto Uke
Zenkutsu Dachi Kamae
- Mae Geri
- Mawashi Geri
Kiba Dachi Kamae
- Yoko Geri Keage
- Yoko Geri Kekomi
Kyu No Kata
- Jodan, Chudan, Mae Geri - No. 1 and No. 2 (left and right side)
Kihon Combinations are increased to three techniques, which require an understanding of timing or rhythm as well as the ability to change stance and use hip rotation within the combination. Demonstrate improvement in speed, power, focus and breathing. Ren geri (double kicks) are introduced.
Kata (Heian Yondan) The opening moves should demonstrate how to build kime (focus). Contrast between slow and fast moves and timing of multiple technique combinations should also be shown.
Kumite (Kihon Ippon – one step basic kumite) uses tai sabaki (moving or changing direction to escape or avoid and attack) and maai (correct distance) in conjunction with uke (blocking) and counter attack. Zanshin (calm but alert mind), timing and focus as well as breathing are assessed.
Zenkutsu Dachi Gedan Barai
- Sanbon Zuki: Jodan – Chudan – Chudan
- Sanbon Zuki (Gyaku Zuki) Chudan– Jodan– Chudan
- Age Uke – Gyaku Zuki
- Soto Ude Uke (Zenkutsu Dachi) – Enpi Uchi – Uraken Uchi (Kiba Dachi)
- Uchi Ude Uke – Jodan Kizami Zuki – Chudan Gyaku Zuki
- Shuto Uke (Kokutsu Dachi) - Nukite (Zenkutsu Dachi)
Zenkutsu Dachi Gamae
- Mae Geri – Ren Geri (Chudan – Jodan)
- Mawashi Geri (Chudan)
Kiba Dachi Gamae
- Yoko Geri Keage
- Yoko Geri Kekomi
- 2 Jodan
- 2 Chudan
- 2 Mae Geri
- 1 Yoko Geri
- 1 Mawashi Geri
Kihon Same as 5th kyu but should demonstrate increased stamina, improved form and
understanding with clarity of each technique. Kokutsu dachi and kiba dachi should be much improved and kicking techniques stronger.
Kata (Heian Godan) Should demonstrate understanding of difference between light/quick
techniques and strong/powerful techniques.
Kumite Same as 5th kyu with the addition of yoko kekomi (side thrust kick) and mawashi geri (roundhouse kick). Actions should be smoother with better timing, distance, focus and on target.
Zenkutsu Dachi Gedan Barai
- Sanbon Zuki: Jodan – Chudan – Chudan
- Sanbon Zuki (Gyaku Zuki) Chudan– Jodan– Chudan
- Age Uke – Gyaku Zuki
- Soto Ude Uke (Zenkutsu Dachi) – Enpi Uchi – Uraken Uchi (Kiba Dachi)
- Uchi Ude Uke – Jodan Kizami Zuki – Chudan Gyaku Zuki
- Shuto Uke (Kokutsu Dachi) - Nukite (Zenkutsu Dachi)
Zenkutsu Dachi Kamae
- Mae Geri – Ren Geri (Chudan – Jodan)
- Mawashi Geri (Chudan)
Kiba Dachi Kamae
- Yoko Geri Keage
- Yoko Geri Kekomi
- 2 Jodan
- 2 Chudan
- 2 Mae Geri
- 1 Yoko Geri
- 1 Mawashi Geri
Both Left and Right Side
Kihon This grading goes back to single basic techniques. These techniques must be performed with correct form, body connection, stance pressures, speed, power, timing, and kime. Students should be able to demonstrate mature development and understanding of single basic actions. Also, ushiro geri is introduced.
Kata (Tekki Shodan) This is the first of three Tekki Kata that move laterally side to side as if you had your back to a wall. It is necessary to demonstrate a strong, low kiba dachi stance with good hip vibration and body connection.
Kumite (Kihon Ippon – one step basic kumite) At this level the attacks and defences are the same as 4th kyu, but they must be executed on both the left and right sides.
Zenkutsu Dachi Gedan Barai
- Chudan Oie Zuki
- Chudan Gyaku Zuki
- Age Uke
- Soto Ude Uke
- Uchi Ude Uke
Kokutsu Dachi Kamae
- Shuto Uke
Zenkutsu Dachi Kamae
- Mae Geri
- Mawashi Geri
- Ushiro Geri
Kiba Dachi Kamae
- Yoko Keage
- Yoko Kekomi
- 2 Jodan
- 2 Chudan
- 2 Mae Geri
- 1 Yoko Kekomi
- 1 Mawashi Geri
Left And Right Sides.
Plus, Examiner’s choice from No.1 – 4 after the student has completed the above.
2nd KYU
Kihon In addition to standards set for 3rd Kyu, this grade requires that you are able to
demonstrate correct body dynamic with speed, power, and kime in combinations that incorporate the use of kicking and punching. Balance, breathing, and stamina will also be assessed.
Kata (Tekki Shodan and intermediate kata of your choice)
Kumite (Jiyu Ippon: semi-free sparring) In this kumite one should be able to put together the teachings of the previous kumite and demonstrate their use in a practical way
1st KYU
Kihon, Kata, and Kumite By now you should be able to demonstrate a full understanding of body dynamics used in the fundamental movements and be able to execute each technique with proper application.
Zenkutsu Dachi Gedan Barai
- Mae Geri – Jun Zuki
- Mawashi Geri – Gyaku Zuki
- Gyaku Zuki – Mae Geri – Jun Zuki – Gedan Garai
Zenkutsu Dachi Kamae
- Mae Geri – Mawashi Geri
- Kizami Yoko Kekomi – Ushiro Geri
Kiba Dachi Kamae
- Kizami Yoko Keage – Yoko Kekomi (same leg)
- Nami Ashi
- 2 Jodan
- 2 Chudan
- 2 Mae Geri
- 1 Yoko Kekomi
- 1 Mawashi Geri
2nd Kyu – Left Side Only
1st Kyu – Left And Right Sides
This is the level at which the karateka has mastered the basic techniques, the basic kata and basic and advanced prearranged kumite (sparring) with correct form, speed, focus, timing, and control.
Zenkutsu Dachi Gedan Barai
- Sanbon Zuki (Jodan-Chudan-Chudan)
- Gyaku Zuki: Sanbon Zuki (Chudan-Jodan-Chudan)
- Age Uke-Gedan Barai-Gyaku Zuki
- Soto Ude Uke (Zenkutsu Dachi)-Enpi - Uraken Uchi (Kiba Dachi)-Chudan Gyaku Zuki (Zenkutsu Dachi)
- Uchi Ude Uke-Kizami Zuki-Mae Geri - Gyaku Zuki
- Mae Geri-Mawashi Geri-Gyaku Zuki-Gedan Barai
- Mae Geri-Yoko Kekomi-Gyaku Zuki-Gedan Barai
Kokutsu Dachi Kamae
- Shuto Uke-Kizami Mae Geri-Nukite
Kiba Dachi Kamae
- Yoko Keage-Yoko Kekomi (switch legs)
- Nami Ashi
Kime Waza
- Gyaku Zuki
1 Sentei: Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Jion, Enpi, Jitte (Compulsory: Student’s Choice)
1 Shitei: Heian Shodan To Tekki Shodan (Examiner’s Choice)
- 1 Jodan
- 1 Chudan
- 1 Mae Geri
- 1 Mawashi Geri
- 1 Yoko Geri
- 1 Ushiro Geri
- 1 Jodan Kizami Zuki
- 1 Chudan Gyaku Zuki
Both left and right side

Hatsuun Jindo
Parting the clouds, seeking the way
Gichin Funakoshi